In Their Own Words

I had the MOST amazing experience at Karissa and Tia’s yoga retreat. From the serene beauty of the BBar Ranch in Tom Miner Basin to the expertly guided yoga and meditation sessions. It was truly a transformative journey for both my body and soul.


Karissa and Tias passion for yoga and their warm, nurturing approach created an environment of self-reflection and person growth. Beyond grateful for the amazing weekend.


I left feeling centered and with a heart full of gratitude. Can’t wait to join them again on another journey. You two filled my cup and helped me find my voice. -  Zesty
I loved the retreat. Karissa and Tia provided a beautiful space — physically and energetically for us to gather and connect and be present. I especially enjoyed our times of sharing our struggles and lifting each other up. The time spent in nature was beautiful. The food was nourishing. Thank you for a beautiful experience. - Catherine
I must admit that I went into the weekend of the retreat without a lot of research on what to expect. I knew it was a yoga and wellness retreat in Montana that I would be attending with my 3 good friends (which was enough for me to jump in), but I really thought I would get some good creative yoga, positive mindset discussion, great food and a beautiful setting with mountains (and grizzly bears).


Well, I got all of that and then SO much more… just what I needed at the perfect time! The retreat was a safe & supported space to purge some thoughts and feelings that no longer serve me in order to make space for a much more empowered and fun-loving self moving forward.


Our retreat leaders created a wonderful blend of activities that also allowed for exploration, reflection and free time with friends. The weekend was filled with so much laughter, love and beauty!! Thank you, Karissa and Tia!!! -  Jennifer

Dear Karissa and Tia, I just wanted you both to know what amazing time I had at the yoga retreat! It was well beyond my expectations! The B Bar Ranch was incredible and the meals that were prepared for us were absolutely delicious!


You both created such a safe space for us to have real, meaningful and in depth conversations that were truly healing. The yoga, hikes and bear watching was the icing on the cake! Thank you both for such a memorable retreat! Can’t wait for that podcast!! - Ashley

Working with Karissa was a pivotal point in my life turning around. Her soft presence, guidance, encouragement and practical tools gave me so much hope, which was something I had lost while going through a divorce.


It was the first time I felt real excitement for my life and my future. What stood out the most was how much Karissa would tell me I'm doing the work, she's just a guide. She gave me my power back every time she spoke those words. That's a true coach and genuinely solid human! - Katie, Colorado

I have zero constructive feedback on what could have been different or helped more. I found that everything that transpired during our call was the very thing, most needed to address the issue I brought into our session, and Karissa really met me, exactly where I was—not only with a complete lack of judgment but with personal understanding and helpful tips on how to get unstuck.


This sort of validation of my experience and who I am in my struggle, offered me the opportunity to see myself from a positive place of potential action (I should trademark that phrase!). So often, I find myself stuck in paralysis, believing there’s something wrong with me, or the circumstances are impossible, impractical, or wrong.


Offering encouragement and straight-forward suggestions, to simply step in a direction—take action—feels like a sort of salvation from my recent confused and muddled paradigm. Karissa saw me and heard me and was able to help me get out of my head and into my life. The experience was/is incredibly empowering.


Karissa was deeply generous in spirit— which, for me, seems like the core of what a good coach embodies! Very impressive and motivating! Keep up the good work! - Erin, California

I was fortunate enough to encounter Karissa's warm presence at a yoga festival- we were complete strangers but her energy was contagious. She approached me and gave me a hug (which was SO needed that day) and we connected.


After chatting I found out she was a life coach, her timing was perfect. Karissa helped me to set firm boundaries in my life, get out of my own way with my goals and understand my 'why'. I stopped 'should-ing' on myself and it was the beginning of a more comprehensive soul evolution.


When I think of Karissa, she was the person who helped me get out of my own way. Realizing that the only thing holding me back....was me and my self limiting beliefs. Karissa walks the walk and talks the talk. Even now, she continues to motivate me and remind me through lessons that we worked on together.


Life coaching sounds like something that feels inaccessible, or even superfluous to the average lay person. In my opinion, it is sometimes the person that we hire in order to become the best version of ourselves, someone to hold us accountable to ourselves, when we are not capable of doing it on our own.


Karissa is really great and the space and she is not afraid to peel back the layers of the onion to get to the root in order to help her clients evolve into the version of themselves that they would like to be.
Bottom line, Karissa excels at helping you get out of your own way between you and whatever your goal may be. - Caitlin, California

I cannot say enough about my wonderful experience with Karissa. I met her at a time in my life when I felt very stuck. I was stuck emotionally, mentally, and physically after getting out of a terrible relationship.


I knew the vision I had for my life, but I felt paralyzed on taking the steps to get there. My sense of self-worth was at an all time low.


Karissa was the light I needed in my life. Every time we spoke she helped me identify what I wanted for myself, set goals for me to get there, and helped me celebrate my wins. Before Karissa I honestly never celebrated my wins and I never realized that.


More than anything, Karissa showed me that everything I wanted for myself was already within me. She kept me accountable and helped me fall in love with myself again. I identified what I wanted for my life and have continued to say no to anything that doesn't align with my dreams. Forever grateful. – Chelsi, Texas

It’s a beautiful thing when you meet someone so passionate about their work and connected to their dharma that its as if the universe is speaking to you through them.


That’s Karissa. She has a really beautiful energy that you can immediately sense and that puts you at ease to begin to unpack those parts of yourself that you hide or are hesitant to share.


You can tell Karissa really wants to see you grow and she is fueled herself but helping you to live the best version of yourself. She is a partner, a guide, and a loving support.


We all need accountability partners and a helping hand on this life journey, and I wouldn't want anyone else to be by my side cheering me on than such a committed and passionate soul as Karissa. – Mari, Washington, D.C.

I was looking to get back on track with making time for myself, being thankful for non-materialistic items and being healthier in my food choices and exercise.


Karissa was starting a 14-day challenge and I thought to myself, this is exactly what I need! I completed the 14-day challenge and have felt so amazing since! Her constant reassurance, positive energy and support really allowed me to follow through with the whole 14 days.


Having a friend be so supportive and encouraging gives you total control of accomplishing so much more!! I am forever thankful for this beginning and look forward to continuing on more challenges in the future! – Dr. Heather, Pennsylvania